Source: Galileo Masters,

Galileo Masters 2021 - New SatCom challenge


Date: June 22, 2021
Category: News
Autor: Ewelina Kaatz-Drzeżdżon

Combining the positioning services and/or Earth observation (EO) data with reliable satellite communications (SatCom) can result in innovative space-based applications. Such applications may enhance existing services or offer totally new ones in many different areas, such as agriculture, transportation, resource management, urban planning or cyber security, among others. New solutions, applications, services, startups or business concepts can be presented to the Galileo Masters 2021 competition by enterprises, scientific institutions and individuals. Submissions are welcome until 19 July 2021.

The 18th edition of this global innovation competition – Galileo Masters 2021 – is open for submissions within topic-specific challenges set by Galileo Masters Challenge Partners. The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) has established three distinct challenges, and one of them is dedicated specifically to SatCom applications. New SatCom applications can address existing market needs or deliver new types of services, with market-orientation being a key success factor.

Innovative SatCom applications can serve a range of purposes in the following domains:

  • transport (e.g., drones, maritime, autonomous driving, fleet management, traffic management, etc.),
  • low data-rate applications/Internet of things,
  • critical infrastructure monitoring,
  • maritime or border surveillance, and
  • crisis management (e.g. civil protection, search & rescue, humanitarian aid, etc.).

The Galileo Masters 2021 SatCom challenge aims at fostering solutions that are based on the joint utilisation of the Galileo/EGNOS positioning information, and/or Copernicus EO data with the communication services, broadcasting services or data communications provided by SatCom, to exploit potential synergies and bring out the added value.

More information on EUSPA's SatCom challenge can be found here.

Detailed information on the submission process, all challenges and prizes is described in Terms of Participation.